April 11, 2023 – The Guidance Services of Leon Ganzon Polytechnic College conducted its first career guidance after 3 years since the Covid-19 outbreak and was declared a global pandemic. The Officer in charge, Ms. Jenyrose B. Nobleza of Bay-ang National High School invited LGPC to be part of their Career Guidance Program for Grade 12 students.
Ms. Sherlene B. Alasian, the acting Guidance Counselor together with her alternate Ms. Dana Mae G. Betita, were able to successfully delivered the various programs and offerings of TESDA – Leon Ganzon Polytechnic College. The Diploma programs being offered were highlighted during the career counseling and the short trainings that are aligned to their passion and dream job were thoroughly discussed.

The Guidance Office and Services of LGPC wishes every student a success in their chosen field of endeavor.