Congratulations graduates!
As administrator, I saw you work so hard every day to achieve this accomplishment, and I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more.
How time flies. It seems like it was only yesterday when you first entered the portals of this institution. But the three years for the Diploma Program and the specified number of days for other qualifications would seem to be brief because of the many things you have to do and due to the various requirements, you have to comply with. Its worth all your efforts, though, because you learned not only the theoretical side of your program but also, it’s practical aspect, as well. This has been further rounded off with exposure to real life situations in the many project-based activities and through your Supervised Industry Learning in our partner organizations in the industry.
Congratulations also to your parents and loved ones who never stopped supporting and serving as inspiration in your quest to make your lives better and meaningful.
May your graduation be the start of wonderful adventures in finding your rightful place in this fast-paced society of ours. I am confident that you will be successful in all your endeavors because you were provided with the knowledge, skills and attitude to help you in your journey towards success. As empowered graduates of this institution, I am expecting that every one of you will be able to reach their dreams and become active citizens of our country.
I’m also hoping that someday you’ll come back to your alma mater as teachers or as our partners in the noble pursuit of empowering the Filipino people through quality and relevant technical vocational education and training.
Wishing you a bright and successful future as you embark on this new journey!
Vocational School Superintendent