Announcement: Office of the Registrar, Feb. 21, 2023

The following Certificates of Training are now available for release at the Registrar’s Office. Please submit the signed clearance as a requirement for releasing.

Dressmaking NC IINov. 8, 2022 – Dec.17,2022Germaine Pauline ArevaloLone District
Dressmaking NC IISep. 16, 2022 – Oct. 28, 2022Germaine Pauline Arevalo2nd District
Tile Setting NC IIDec. 15, 2022 – Jan. 4, 2023Adones Baldevarona3rd District
Bread & Pastry Production NC IISep.15, 2022 – Oct. 5, 2022Dana Mae Betita5th DIstrict
Driving NC IIAug. 1, 2022 – Aug. 17, 2022Erwin Alcolia1st District
Facilitating eLearning SessionsDec. 9, 2022 – Jan 5, 2023Dana Mae BetitaLGPC
Facilitating eLearning SessionsDec. 20, 2022 – Jan5, 2023Diovel PobladorLGPC
Organic Agriculture Production NC IIAug. 1, 2022 – Sep. 2, 2023Reo Daniel1st District


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