Polytechnic College

Polytechnic College

Career Guidance 2023: On choosing the right path
Headed by Ms. Sherlene B. Alasian, the Acting Guidance Counselor, the career guidance program was successfully delivered to the Grade 12 students of Casanayan National High School in Casanayan, Pilar, Capiz. The different programs and trainings in Leon Ganzon Polytechnic…

TESDA-LGPC joins PESO Job Fair and Career Coaching
“A career path should be chosen based on passion and interest in the field.” Today, at about 220 plus students of Northern Iloilo State University, Ajuy Campus where most of them are graduating this month of June 2023, took a…

LGPC Career Guidance for S.Y. 2023-2024
Career Guidance Program Career Guidance Program is outlined to help learners explore their choices and make responsible decisions that are important in choosing the right path. These include planning for the course to take in college, the career they want…

Career Guidance 2023 – “Embrace your future today.”
Choosing your career is very essential in one’s life. Whatever field or path you take will impact your future. The Guidance office once again invited to introduce the different programs offered by LGPC in Barotac Viejo’s Gymnasium. Approximately at around…