As a TESDA Administered school, the Leon Ganzon Polytechnic College celebrated the 28th Founding Anniversary of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) last August 30-31, 2022 with the TESDA Region VI’s theme “Embracing Challenges through Cooperation, Commitment and Resiliency for a stronger TESDA VI.”
It was a 2-day event with various activities lined up such as the Opening Program, Mass, Groups Presentation, Basketball, Volleyball, Chess, Badminton, Mobile Legends, Skills Competition and Family Feud: LGPC Edition for the faculty and staff. Mixed of Faculty, Staff and Learners are divided into four factions inspired by the Hunger Games film namely Amity: The Peace, Candor: The Honest, Dauntless: The Brave and Erudite: The Intelligent.