March 20, 2023, was the 2nd part of the Snack and Learn and at the same time the culminating of the month long celebration of National Women’s Month. A short program hosted by Ms. May Borbon was staged to culminate this activity.
Also, in this part, the GAD Focal, Ms. Dana Mae Betita, introduced the SOGIESC while on the other hand, Mr. Wendel C. Villasis discussed the Safe Spaces Act. Everyone had participated and it was an interactive discussion. Only few were actually aware of the Anti-Bastos Law or the Safe Spaces Act, everyone appreciated the learnings and that it was brought up by GAD.
Leon Ganzon Polytechnic College, supported the various activities of GAD to strengthen its organization and become gender sensitive and gender responsive in the region.
The diploma students were also invited to join the Research and Art Contest where they had to create a video content or a short film that highlights the Female Firsts or influential women in the county or they can be actors themselves provided the content is free from obscenity and does not violate the law. Cash prizes were given to the winners.
All these, without the support of our school administrator, Dr. Ariel Reckonette B. Villanueva, will not be possible.